martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

The Beaver

Just two Words "The beaver" ... That was the movie that we saw the first time that we hang out, the first time that we meet, the first time that we share personally who we really are.

Since I woke up, I´ve been thinking in how wonderful we spend that day (Even If I was sick, for that moment I forgot all that) ... You are such an AMAZING person, and no one can change that.

Never, but never stop being so handsome and gentlemanly, cuz guys like you are the one who make us believe that no matter what happen, we always have a hope to find everything we where looking for.

Thank for be just who you are !! And give the best smiles this six months ... I LOVE YOU !! 

1 comentario:

  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee!! Porque eres tan linda conmigo? porq? porq?! eres divina #myqueen! ese dia tambien fue maravilloso para mi! y pude saber lo hermosa que ereas y que todo lo que pensaba sobre ti era cierto! Te Quier muchooo!
